Шеннон Твид (Shannon Tweed nude scenes in "Electra" 1996)
Шеннон Твид (Shannon Tweed sex scenes in "In the Cold of the Night" 1990)
Шеннон Твид (Shannon Tweed sex scenes in "Forbidden Sins" 1999)
Валерия Голино (Valeria Golino nude scenes in "Year of the Gun" 1991)
Сандра О (Sandra Oh nude scenes in "Dancing at the Blue Iguana" 2000)
Ellen Page nude scene in Into the Forest
Леди Гага (Lady Gaga nude scenes in "The Abramovic Method" 2013)
Эмили Мортимер (Emily Mortimer nude scenes in "The Sleeping Dictionary" 2003)
Лора Линни (Laura Linney nude scenes in "The Other Man" 2008)
Хелен Шейвер (Helen Shaver nude scenes in "The Believers" 1987)
Леа Сейду (Léa Seydoux nude scenes in "The French Dispatch" 2021)
Барбара Херши (Barbara Hershey nude scenes in "The Stunt Man" 1980)
Эмили Мид (Emily Meade nude scenes in "The Deuce" s01e06 2017)
Поллианна МакИнтош (Pollyanna McIntosh nude scenes in "The Woman" 2011)
Кристин Скотт Томас (Kristin Scott Thomas nude scenes in "The English Patient" 1996)
Вера Фармига (Vera Farmiga nude scenes in "The Vintners Luck" 2009)
Кэтрин Уотерстон (Katherine Waterston nude scenes in "The Babysitters" 2007)
Натали Дормер (Natalie Dormer nude scenes in "The Fades" s01e05 2011)
Келли Ху (Kelly Hu nude scenes in "The Scorpion King" 2002)
Сиенна Миллер (Sienna Miller nude scenes in "Two Jacks" 2012)
Eliza Dushku Nude Scene In Banshee Series ScandalPlanet.Com